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Writer's pictureGabriel Prosser


Every year Black people will be bombarded with Democrats and Republicans in their neighborhoods trying to convince them to vote this way or that way.

Never will there be any of those same parties in the Black communities pushing for Reparations for Reparations for those same Black Citizens that they depend on so much. Vote Democrat, Vote Republican is that they will say but will tip toe around the issue of Reparations.

An issue that deserves top priority from both parties, but as we can see they both see it as an irrelevant issue.

Was it an irrelevant issue when it was time to pay for the wrongs that were committed against the Indians, Japanese, and the Jews even though the Jewish tragedy didn’t happen here.

Yet, these facts didn’t deter or hinder the government of this country to issue Reparations payments to those races. The politrickcians were not forcing the issue of being a Democrat or Republican to these communities when it was time for them to pay for the Atrocities that this government has done to their ancestors.

Yet, we the Black communities are supposed to be satisfied with the tired and broken promises of administration after administration when it comes to the issues and problems that are relevant to the Black communities.

To the government and the politrickcians of this country we are nonentities until they need the Black communities to put them in the positions of power that they covet so much.

Until Reparations are attained there should be no other topic or party that the Black communities should care about. Reparations should be our main concern as a people, just as it was for those other races that have received a debt that was owed to them for the horrors that their ancestors went through.

The Black communities should expect the same and demand the same. Yet every prominent Black public figure is only concerned whether the Black communities will become a Democrat or a Republican, never are any of these Black public figures keeping the foot on the neck of the oppressor when it comes to the issue of Reparations or continuing to push or urge Black citizens that Reparations should be the main focus.

This country loves to brag to the world about how every citizen is treated equal yet continues to deny a particular race what they are owed for what this country has done and continues to do. It seems that this government never had intentions for the Black citizens to be included in this so-called equality.

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